The Clock Medic

Want to know more ?
Then get in touch with Andrew on:
Telephone: 07841 572548
29 The street
Crowmarsh Gifford
Oxon, OX10 8EA

The ClockMedic
Repairing & servicing your old and much loved clocks
Tel; 07841 572548

Call to arrange a home visit to assess a service or repair for your Longcase/Grandfather or large wall clocks. It may be that a minor home service could be possible at your own home.
And all at very competitive rates! Please call
Mid 1700s English oak, country, one hand longcase clock >
Victorian mercury column 5 glass Barometer >>
Far Right: German 1840's 8 day longcase in the English style of the late 1700's

< Vintage French Brass striking carriage clock, circa 1950's